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I invite you, and support you, to join in on our Yoga classes. We love and support all levels of Yoga, from beginner to the more advanced practitioner

REMEDIAL MASSAGE - Health Fund Rebates

Remedial Massage, using Hot Stones, Chinese cupping, and Vibrational medicine to sort out your pain issues or deeply relax you. Whatever you need...

Vibrational Medicine

Kinesiology with Leanne, using muscle testing to bypass the mind and communicate with your higher self.

Hypnosis, Kinergetics, Barrs Therapy, Age Regression, with Ben. Energetic emotional release with Ben

Suite 1 & 8 

Corner of Kangaroo and Welsby Pde



0424 985 290

"The privelige of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." 

CG Jung



Yoga classes are held at the Sandstone Pt Community Hall

© 2021 Bribie Yoga Retreat

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